L & M Studio

LMStudio265@aol.com Tel:718-638-0218


The structures for the following artists' artwork are constructed by

Lawrence Heintjes at L & M Studio

shaped painting, constructed form by L & M Studio
"Shadow of the Island" by Serdar Arat, Acrylic on Wood, 2005, 19" x 45" x 2"

Courtesy of Gunduz Dagdelen - Bruno Ast collection

Serdar Arat's work is on view at the Kouros Gallery through October 30, 2010.

23 East 73rd Street, New York, NY

This is a show not to be missed - remarkable contemporary art work on view

"Light and darkness, each serving as a catalyst for seemingly contradictory feelings. This happens most explicity in the realm of artifice...in Arat's constructed spaces, exacerbated by the intense light and shadows. One thinks of film and theater, as a sub-category of lived experience. One thinks of spaces as described in literature. In Arat's interiors, seascapes, and gardens there is little extraneous detail, removing them sharply from lived life. It would be overstating the case, but only slightly, to say every detail Arat chooses to include is there to cast a shadow, either literally or psychologically."

--Bill Arning, New York based critic


paint on wood, shaped paintings
Harvey Wilson 2010, painting on wood
Harvey Wilson, shaped painting, art fabrication
Harvey Wilson's shaped painting structure constructed by Lawrence Heintjes
Harvey Wilson, shaped painting, art fabrication
Harvey Wilson's shaped painting structure constructed by Lawrence Heintjes

The shaped constructions echoing the creative endeavors by the artist,

Harvey Wilson, are prepared by Lawrence Heintjes at L & M Studio

Corbel restoration for exterior 2012
moldmaking, exterior restoration
Clay sculpture created to match existing corbels for building restoration by Lawrence Heintjes of L & M Studio
moldmaking, exterior restoration
Clay sculpture prepared for molding process
moldmaking, exterior restoration
Preparing completed mold for casting
moldmaking, exterior restoration
Completed restoration of Corbel for Adami Restoration by Lawrence Heintjes of L & M Studio
Restoration of gargoyle moldmaking for Park Slope residence
portraits cast in each pillar of the home
L & M Studio's extensive moldmaking skills enabled the homeowner to fulfill a wish
expertly reconstructed and cast i
The building's original gargoyle had broken into many pieces
Gargoyle stands again in its original site in Brooklyn, NY
The newly casted Gargoyle was reinstalled
Mold in process
Mold in process
Client collaboration in the invention
Client collaboration in the invention of a new corbel
multiple pillars of this type to repair
L & M Studio was assigned to make a mold
sectional molds in one mold to resolve the problem.
Various pillars required only specific sections to be repaired
To commission work by L & M Studio, please complete the following link:
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